Senior Companion Volunteers Needed - Click here -> Senior Companions
Dealing with Dementia Class for Caregivers - Click here -> Dealing with Dementia
Medicaid Aging Waiver Program, Click here - Aging Waiver
Roy Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program, Click here - AFEP
Room 320
237 26th Street Ogden, UT 84401
(801) 625-3770
Our Efforts in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
We closed all WHS senior center services, Senior Companion services, and the Foster Grandparent program from 3/16/2020 until they partially reopened in Fall 2020. Other Aging Services programs, such as the Caregiver program, case management services, etc., stopped face-to-face visits and started calling each client on a weekly basis. We have begun or continued the following unique services during this pandemic.
Needs-on-Wheels (NoW): Weber Human Services Area Agency on Aging staff are calling all of our registered clients, including Senor Companions, their clients, Foster Grandparents, clients of in-home and community programs, caregiver clients, New Choice Waiver clients, RSVP homebound clients, and so on. Several hundred seniors have been assessed for special needs, including fresh food, daily supplies, medication, in-home delivery, and so on. Aging Services workers shop for and deliver the needed items on a case-by-case basis, purchasing some items for NoW using our interim budget. We cannot call all the seniors in Weber-Morgan; however, we are taking this extra step for our clients whose addresses/phone numbers are in our records. We also accept requests (on a case-by-case basis) for our Needs-on-Wheels services from community seniors who are not our registered clients.
Meals-on-Wheels: All Nutrition staff continue to work for approximately 550 homebound seniors. We have started to accept seniors who are temporarily homebound due to self-isolation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For our special achievement in increasing Meals-on-Wheels/Pickup Meals during the COVID-19 pandemic: Click Here → MoWs Achievement
COVID-19 Vaccination Information:
Weber-Morgan Health Department → Click: Weber-Morgan Health Department | Coronavirus
Coronavirus → Click: Vaccine Distribution | coronavirus (
COVID-19 Transmission Index at Coronavirus → Click: Utah Health Guidance Levels | coronavirus
Find testing locations near me at Coronavirus → Click: Utah COVID-19 Testing Locations | coronavirus
Utah Housing Assistance Program (for renters who are unable to pay their rent and utilities due to circumstances related to COVID-19) → Click: Home - Utah Rent Relief
Pickup-to-Go Meals: Seven senior centers in Weber and Morgan will continue to serve meals, via Pickup-to-Go (pick-up box lunch) stations during the centers’ regular lunch hours below.
Roy Hillside Senior Center (5051 S. 2000 W. Roy) – Pick-Up Lunch Hours 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, Monday thru Friday - Call Kathy Prevedel at 801-773-0860 to reserve your boxed meal.
Washington Terrace Senior Center (4601 S. 300 W. Washington Terrace) – Pick-Up Lunch Hours 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, Monday thru Friday - Call Karen Padilla at 801-621-0161 to reserve your boxed meal.
Northview Senior Center (485 East 2550 North, North Ogden) – Pick-Up Lunch Hours 11:45 am to 12:45 pm, Mon., Tue., Wed., and Fri. - Call Zella Richards at 801-782-6211 to reserve your boxed meal.
Golden Hours Senior Center (650 25th Street, Ogden) - Pick-Up Lunch Hours 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, Monday thru Friday - Call Ginger at 801-399-5230 (or 801-629-8863) to reserve your boxed meal.
Plain City Senior Center (4162 West 2200 North, Plain City) - Pick-Up Lunch Hours 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, Wednesday only - Call Beth McDaniel at 399-8393 to reserve your boxed meal.
Morgan Senior Center (50 West 100 North, Morgan) - Pick-Up Lunch Hours 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - Call Cissy Toone at 801-845-4040 to reserve your boxed meal.
Marriott-Slaterville City Senior Center (1570 West 400 North, Marriott-Slatervilley) - Pick-Up Lunch Hours 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, Tuesday only - Call Beth McDaniel at 399-8393 to reserve your boxed meal.
Weber-Morgan Senior Art Gallery: I have uploaded new artwork to the Weber-Morgan Senior Art Gallery. The gallery has showcased only artworks created at senior centers. However, since the centers have been closed for awhile, artists have started to send me their artwork created at home. I have decided to upload these artworks to the gallery. Please visit and enjoy their artwork at