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Room 320
237 26th Street Ogden, UT 84401
(801) 625-3770
Medicaid New Choice Waiver - MACS Plan
What Is the Medicaid New Choice Waiver Program?
What Is the MACS (Managed Access to Comprehensive Services) Program?
Medicaid New Choice Waiver is a Medicaid program supporting qualified nursing home Medicaid residents to move to into community-based settings such as assisted livings or other community living settings through using Medicaid funds. The program may also support qualified assisted living residents to continue to reside in the assisted living facilities using Medicaid funds. MACS (Managed Access to Comprehensive Services) is a case management provider for the Medicaid New Choice Waiver covering the area of Weber, Morgan, and Davis Counties.

What Will MACS Do for Qualified Applicants?
Complete a comprehensive medical, cognitive and resource assessment to determine what type of placement options may be available to meet the enrollee’s medical and safety needs.
Place enrollees in a variety of settings, including home, residential, or assisted living placements.
Develop a comprehensive care plan to address the medical, safety and resource needs of the individual at the identified placement site.
Coordinate the move with family, facilities and service providers.
What Will MACS Do for Its Clients (i.e., Residents Placed in Assisted Livings or Other Community Settings)?
Provide ongoing case management by an experienced social worker and nurse team to monitor medical and safety issues.
Coordinate with family, facilities, care providers, and other needed medical services.
Assist in maintaining benefits and obtaining needed resources.
Monitor services to ensure quality of care.

How to Apply for the MACS Program:
To apply, contact the social services director, administrator, or other representative of the nursing home where you or your loved one resides.
For any further questions about MACS or the application process, please contact our MACS director, Laura Wangsgard, at 801-625-3786 (or