Senior Companion Volunteers Needed - Click here -> Senior Companions
Caregiver Educational Series - Every Friday, March 7 to April 25, Click here - Caregivers
Roy Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program, Click here - AFEP
Room 320
237 26th Street Ogden, UT 84401
(801) 625-3770
Weber-Morgan Meals-on-Wheels (Home Delivered Meals)
Weber Human Services Nutrition manages the Meals-on-Wheels program, which delivers nutritious lunch meals to homebound seniors age 60 or older who reside in Weber-Morgan counties daily (except weekends and holidays, when frozen meals are available in advance if needed). Special diets (diabetic, bland, strict sodium, etc.) are available based on advance request. We deliver approximately 550 meals to homebound seniors every day in Weber and Morgan counties.
For Our Meals-on-Wheels Monthly Menus:
Click Here (January 2025) → MoW January Meal Menus
Click Here (February 2025) → MoW February Meal Menus
Click Here (February 2025) → MoW March Meal Menus
For Meals-on-Wheels Quality Surveys for FY2022 (All MoWs in Utah and WHS):
Click Here → MoW Quality Survey Results
For our special achievement in increasing Meals-on-Wheels/Pickup Meals during the COVID-19 pandemic: Click Here → MoWs Achievement

Benefits of Meals-on-Wheels
The “More Than a Meal®” study (2019) produced by Meals on Wheels America reveals that seniors who are Meals-on-Wheels (hot daily meal) recipients demonstrated the following outcomes compared with other seniors who did not receive meals, or received frozen deliveries:
Improved physical health
Improved mental health
Reduced fall incidents
Reduced feelings of isolation
Less concerned about continuing to live at home
Increased feelings of safety
Higher likelihood of being well nourished

Meal delivery has continued during the COVID-19 pandemic, with precautions in place (i.e., deliverers wearing facemasks and maintaining physical distance of six feet or more).
A donation of $4.00 per meal is suggested for recipients. Meals-on-Wheels is our largest and most popular program, so donations from businesses, residents, and other community leaders are also much appreciated. You can donate to “Senior Services” through Weber Human Services Foundation. Please click the “Donate” button above this screen to access our Foundation page.
How to Apply for Weber-Morgan Meals-on-Wheels
To apply (and for further questions), please contact our Nutrition Office at 801-399-8392.