Senior Companion Volunteers Needed - Click here -> Senior Companions
Caregiver Educational Series - Every Friday, March 7 to April 25, Click here - Caregivers
Roy Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program, Click here - AFEP
Room 320
237 26th Street Ogden, UT 84401
(801) 625-3770
Weber Human Services Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Senior Legal Services
WMCAPE (Weber-Morgan Coalition of Abuse Prevention of the Elderly)
What Is the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program?
The Weber Human Services Long-Term Care Ombudsman program protects residents’ rights in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other residential care facilities in Weber-Morgan that are licensed by the Utah Dept. of Health, by voicing and resolving the concerns that residents encounter. The Ombudsman works on behalf of residents to resolve complaints and concerns and to inform residents, families and caregivers about residents' rights.
Call our Lead Ombudsman, Angie Stout at 801-625-3783 (or to report complaints/concerns about care of residents residing in care facilities in Weber or Morgan County.

Meet our Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Utah Certified LTC Ombudsman Code of Ethics As an LTC Ombudsman:
Participate in efforts to maintain and promote the integrity of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program.
Act in accordance with its standards and procedures.
Recognize the boundaries of one’s own level of training and skills and consult with an Ombudsman supervisor when needed.
Provide services with respect for human dignity and the individuality of the resident, unrestricted by considerations of age, social or economic status, personal characteristics, sexual orientation or lifestyle.
Respect and promote residents’ rights of self-determination, making every reasonable effort to act in accordance with residents’ wishes.
Continually safeguard the confidentiality of residents, not divulging any information unless an immediate life-threatening situation overrides this discretion.
Participate in efforts to promote a quality long-term care system.
Avoid any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict of interest (including gain) in the provision of Ombudsman services within nursing or assisted living homes.
WHS Senior Legal Services
We provide consultation on legal concerns such as guardianship, power of attorney, collections, warranties, health care, rights and payments, housing, property issues, landlord-tenant issues, social security, benefits, wills and trusts, mainly over the phone via Utah Legal Services. Call 801-394-9431 or 800-662-4245.

What Is the WMCAPE (Weber-Morgan Coalition of Abuse Prevention of the Elderly)?
Weber Human Services Area Agency on Aging developed the Weber-Morgan Coalition for Abuse Prevention of the Elderly (WM CAPE) in September 2018, and began conducting a monthly meeting (every third Thursday from 12 pm to 1 pm). The meetings consist of education (guest speakers), profiling of local areas, review of actual cases, and/or planning upcoming events. The meeting’s purposes are to educate ourselves, seniors, and our community about elder abuse; unite as community partners, increasing awareness of available resources; and protect our elderly through outreach, information, and involvement (including the responsibility to report abuse to appropriate agencies).
The following agencies have been actively participating in education events at the monthly meeting: Weber County Ombudsman, APS, America First fraud prevention units, Roads to Independence, WHS SMP and volunteers, WHS SCP, the Union Garden Senior Apartment manager, AARP, WHS Adult Mental Health, Ogden Police, Weber County Sheriff, WHS Aging Case Managers, Ogden YCC, Lantern House, Roy Police, North Ogden Police, North View Fire Department, OWCAP, Hope and Wellness Program Midtown Clinic, Medicaid Fraud Unit, and IHC.
For any further questions, please contact our WM CAPE coordinator, Shantel Clark, at 801-625-3664 (or